Space Mining is the Key to The Final Frontier

Evolution to Higher Intelligence

Space Mining is the key to The Final Frontier The asteroid belt is brimming with metals – just about every kind of precious element is out there within our solar system waiting for humanity to harvest. There are enough minerals found in just one small asteroid to power a major city for decades. Robotics will […]

Subterranean Water Worlds

Subsurface Water Worlds It seems there is always an ongoing discussion in our world today about meeting an advanced civilization somewhere in our Galaxy or finding microbial life on Mars. But I feel there needs to be more discussion about a third option for complex life.  I believe that comes under the title of Subterranean […]

Space Balloon-An Alternative Viewpoint

An alternative way for Space Travel in our lifetime. How many of us have marveled what it would be like to travel into space? How many of you out there have wondered what it would be like to look down upon this magnificent planet, to see the curvature of the earth, the continents and the […]

The Space Elevator

space elevator

Our ascent had begun… We soon felt a slight pull, then began to feel The RielZen-II rise.  The seats were quite comfortable and offered an unobstructed view of what seemed like the entire universe. The saucer rotated ever so slowly revealing a 360degree view of NorSoom and her stellar rings, surrounded by her six moons. […]