The TeLios System


  Alpha Proxima-The Red Dwarf TeLios The closest Planet that orbits our third star is known to us as WatiGua. WatiGua is a small rocky planet similar in mass of DianToz, and twice the radius. The planet’s average temperature is 1700 °C.  Indeed one of the hotter planets in the Tri-System. What makes this particular […]

The MiThoz Star System

Alpha II-MiThos YeNaar is a gas giant that orbits very close to MiThoz, our 2nd star. As a result of this close proximity to MiThoz, the surface temperatures of YenNaar exceeds 700C (1300F).  The great intensity of MiThoz’s nuclear furnace was too much for YenNaar as the ice giant was drawn closer to her mother […]

The SoVran Star System

alpha star sovran

 Alpha First The Star-SoVran  The closest planet that circles SoVran is a planet called MeGron which is a super hot gas giant. The intense heat from SoVran combined with internal heating within the planet are a major contributor to inflating the atmosphere. MeGron is tidally locked and orbits SoVran in a mere 3 days! Baan […]