History and Overview

Our Space Odyssey continues with Baan the 2nd closest planet within theSoVran Star System

Baan is the 2nd closest planet and is known as the Chthonian Planet because of its large radius and very low density.  At one point Baan was a gas giant like MeGron. As the eons passed, the gravitational pull of SoVran brought it ever so close to the parent star, and the result roasted the atmosphere away, leaving only a rocky, metallic core. Molten lava rivers now traverse the surface.

A view from space presents quite an uncommon planet, for Baan the Chthonian Planet has a multitude of jets of rings within the surface. These narrow multi-colored bands extend horizontally from the equator reaching far north and south to the magnetic poles, thus, spanning the entire planet.



Exploration Tales


Baan is a terrifying planet to visit. A jet ring can vaporize anything in its path. Many a probe ended its existence at the hands of Baan’s many tentacles that sprang from the surface. Yet Homo Heidelbergensis is a creative species that loves challenges. Interstellar games are played on the planet Baan where highly elusive drones are manually operated from orbit and watched on theatre size screens. The objective of the game is simple…Kill or be killed, either by the Jet Rings(which can attack with the speed of a lightning bolt), or your opponent who is bent on destroying your droid. A manual game to the death pitting individual against individual.


Statistics and relations to other planets


Baan is the 2nd closet planet to SoVran, which is one of three StarSystems gravitationally bound together known as the The DianTozTriSystem. There are a total of 6 major planets in SoVran Star System.There are hundreds of moons among the planets and at the edge of the Solar System lies The MonTah Asteroid Belt, which consist of thousands of asteroids with sizes ranging from dwarf planets to fine dust particles.

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