At one pivotal point in our history the mightiest nation amongst us was engulfed in a great struggle for power.

It was the beacon republic of DianToz, formed as a melting pot of races from around the planet. It was a sovereign nation founded on equality for all races.

In the beginning of The New Era,  there came to power a dark growing shadow that stirred up hate and  fear of others.  The Dark Side won control of the great nation of Hellas and caused great concern among the world leaders of DianToz.

At first there was great disbelief. A sense of hopelessness had washed over those who opposed this anathema . Many who had fought long and hard for change were ready to give up.  Those of diversity within this great nation and around the world, who were accustomed to one paradigm of hope and tolerance were now faced with growing intolerance. Their worst nightmare was now becoming a reality.

But as the grief was processed, there also grew a new found strength and lessons to be learned. Every defeat moving forward, every loss of programs and entitlements brought forth a new seed of discontent and unfamiliar alliances were forged in the battle for equality and diversity.

It was just a matter of time before dissimilarity became the touchstone. An awakening heard around the globe began to take place.






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