The Space Elevator

space elevator

Our ascent had begun… We soon felt a slight pull, then began to feel The RielZen-II rise.  The seats were quite comfortable and offered an unobstructed view of what seemed like the entire universe. The saucer rotated ever so slowly revealing a 360degree view of NorSoom and her stellar rings, surrounded by her six moons. […]

The Space Billionaires


Let us begin at a historic movement that was put forth by certain visionary men and women (many of whom were billionaires at the time).   Since the major cause of all the world’s problems was money driven, These eminent leaders decided that the most dramatic and effective method to address this, was by investing in space […]

The Dark Times

At one pivotal point in our history the mightiest nation amongst us was engulfed in a great struggle for power. It was the beacon republic of DianToz, formed as a melting pot of races from around the planet. It was a sovereign nation founded on equality for all races. In the beginning of The New […]

Celestial Cousins


As different as our own trinary star system is from your uniquely single star system, there are ethereal similarities between the people of Earth and DianToz. We have wondered (while observing your planet), if there is the possibility you are from the same primordial soup that we are. Could we be Celestial Cousins?           Like your species, our species originally […]

The DianToz Rainbow

diantoz rainbow

Our view of the the universe is atypical from the Earth night sky. We have two suns that grace our sphere with light and we have a third sun that is far brighter than any star seen on earth. We have day, we have night and we have a period of time that is neither […]

Untold Riches, Robot Factories and more…


Once Project MineStar became operational  it didn’t take long to reap untold riches from the asteroids.  These were untold riches not predicted. And the wealth was delivered in a unexpected way.  As a result a majority middle class of the world came to be. One of the most profound changes was the creation of an epic generation […]

A New Race of Einsteins…and more


Unlocking the secrets of the stars has become the passion for many of our world citizens. An amazing undertaking if you are a productive being. It becomes a fascinating premise if your life is long and healthy.  Evolution has continued to manifest itself in The DianToz Culture. We are a race of self-motivated highly intelligent […]

Habitable Asteroids


The World ReCreation Council had recommended that it would be vastly more resource-efficient to convert asteroids into livable bases than converting entire planets.  It was a natural evolution from mining the asteroids in the late 2060’s to actually developing livable colonies for the 70’s and beyond. Since the Alpha1 System contains 100’s of thousands of […]

The World Re>Creation Council


The Great Transformation was aided by a series of events put forth by the philanthropic Interstellar Mining Foundation. An epic decision was constituted by these exalted philanthropist that propelled DianToz to the next level- the creation of The World Re>Creation Council. Star Day 2058:  The year the Interstellar Mining Foundation established a new governing body. […]