Intro to Diantoz
Located in the DianToz Trinary System are 18 planets within three astounding solar systems! DunZeer is the 3rd planet in The SoVran Star System and is known as a desert planet. It is a terrestrial planet with very little water, yet is life sustaining in nature. Exotic desert creatures populate this harsh environment.
Located in the DianToz Trinary System are 18 planets within three astounding solar systems! Baan is the 2nd planet in The SoVran Star System and is a hot fiery planet that spews hot explosions from the surface, creating jet rings that reach far into the outer atmosphere.
Located in the DianToz Trinary System are 18 planets within three astounding solar systems! Megron is the first planet in The SoVran Star System and is a hot super Jupiter that orbits in close proximity to SoVran. It only takes 10 days for MeGron to circle SoVran.